Steps forward --->


Immediate improvement is what we all want...but that is not how training works. Instead, this is my version of the training phases.

  1. First week of the training block: Moderate training.

cea23140-6558-0133-9eb4-0af7184f89fb2. Second week: Good volume week.Lauren-Conrad-Whoa-Hold-Up-Reaction-Gif-13. Third week: Big Volume/IntensityP3FHP4. Fourth week: Rest and RecoverySmooth+recovery_66c39a_51320025. Week one: New training block.tumblr_mrvsvatiM91qjptfbo1_500Okay, here is the actual scientific explanation behind these training blocks and why there are times where I feel less fit after a lot of training.2000px-Supercompensation.svgScreen shot 2014-04-23 at 10.50.34 AMI am currently finishing up a big volume week and transitioning into an intensity oriented week of training to finish off this training block. It can be frustrating when it feels like you are not making progress. Often times I don't notice my steps forward because there is no immediate or obvious jump in fitness. As Erika, Annie and were doing a long double pole workout earlier this week, we suddenly realized that it was much easier than when we did it a month ago. If I hadn't done that workout, I would have believed that my double pole strength hadn't changed.DSC_6964DSC_7019Over the past few weeks, I focused on reminding myself that feeling tired or slow is normal after a lot of training. I also have become conscious of when it was okay to feel tired and when I needed to make a workout easier or shorter.IMG_7991IMG_7953As I approach the end of this training block, I have started to notice the slight "steps forward" in my training. I am very excited to be able to train healthy and at my full capacity so far this summer!IMG_1692IMG_7996IMG_7999IMG_8015IMG_8019I recharged today with a long "body care" session, including PT, rolling out, and yoga! I am ready to take on this last week before an easy week where I will be going with my family to Cape Cod!IMG_8016IMG_8020-JKern


Recovery Week


Finding that “Swing”