All the Feels.
Contrary to the negative connotation that the word "emotion" carries, I believe emotion is a good thing. Bryan Fish (my U.S. Ski Development coach) once said, "regardless of what you decide to pursue, it should evoke emotion". His presentation was eye opening to me because it was spot on! Often times people see emotion as a weakness, but I see it as a strength. Tying into my last blog, you cannot go beyond your limits without emotion; you need passion, happiness, anger, motivation, or what ever fires you up and gets you going. Of course, there is a time and a place to display emotion and every emotion shouldn't always be displayed publicly, but one should feel it.In the early season last year, I fell into the hole of being indifferent about what happened in my races and training in order to protect myself from disappointment. But guess what...that doesn't lead to success. This time I am not letting that happen. I am channeling all of my emotion into motivation for when I am able train again.I am fortunate enough to have an awesome team, incredible coaches, and very a loving and supportive family around who keep me happy. While I have not been training, I have kept myself busy by hanging out with friends and helping coach at a free clinic our team put on.
Always remember to enjoy the little things!-JKern